New years in New York City.
Had 3 days in New York, free of museums except the MoMa which featured the 50 years of Helvetica.
It gave me chance to investigate more of the city, soon realising it is the capital of Helvetica. But this clean and sharp concept was evident even when it came down to the clothes sales. In england we are used to seeing exagerated red posters virally spread across towns, with instore caos. New York however offered interesting shop window displays and instore signs which simply read 25% off everything. Easy.
When trying to fight my way to the Time Square ball drop i stumbled on this massive serif font of the New York Times Offices. It appears so powerfull and traditional set against its white background. Font is EnglishTowne-Normal. Definately a highlight of the trip.
Something also interesting was the advertisements on the subways, the positioning of the seats in the carraiges forces you to look up (unless you want to try stare out the person sat opposite you) which is where most of the adverts were positioned. This could be a good context for an advert for dating perhaps, getting people to make eye contact from after reading the poster.