Idea 1:
The first idea considered how people are influenced by music. It becomes a foundation on which potentially influences their stories and memories. With this in mind i started to look up some of the potntial bands for the festival and searched through the lyrics. These were then used to invent humorous/stand and read stories. This was a different way of working for me. It tested some of my copy writing skills. This is something i should deffinately consider developing if i am choosing to work with type.

Idea 2:
I was given the initial idea of "its a bit like" to develop. It was a description of music. The though i had on this was how the festival goers would be individual so the idea of new music creations would allow for this to happen. I approached it in a few different ways.

This idea below would be addaptable to the Guardian Lounge in which it would become a giant magnetic wall in which people can interact with and invent there own genre. It would make for a photo-opportunity and would become a talking point at the festival.